During the week of February 11-15, every TCC store will be getting a delivery of 10 care kits filled with supplies to donate to a local school. This is part of our annual Teachers Rock volunteer campaign. Last year, we were able to donate 5,670 kits of supplies to schools. This year, we’re planning on donating 5,770 kits!

But wait -there’s more! This year, we are also going to select one school to win a breakroom makeover, worth up to $20,000. More details and voting for the breakroom makeover will be announced soon.
We’ve stuck with our Teachers Rock event because every year, teachers are spending money out of their own pocket on supplies for their classroom. We choose to do this event partway through the school year when supplies tend to be running low.
Is there a teacher in your life? Be sure to let them know that they are appreciated.